KS2 Coordinator
Countries taught in:
Mery graduated the Teacher Training National College “Gh. Lazar” in Cluj-Napoca, in 1994 earning her primary teaching degree. Later on, she became a Geography teacher by earning her Bachelor’s degree at Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, with a track in Geomorphology. She began her teaching career as a Geography teacher at Liceul Teoretic Nr. 5, and continued to build on it in the US.
Her approach to teaching was consolidated in typical classrooms, special education environments, a combination of the previous two, and within in-home therapy helping children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and their families. While she lived and worked in the US for almost 15 years, she obtained her first level certificate in Pivotal Response
Treatment from the Koegel Autism Center at the University of California, and in 2015, she earned her Master’s degree in Psychology track Applied Behavior Analysis from Kaplan University. Mery decided to return to Romania and wants to be involved with a different kind of school promoting independence, applied knowledge, inclusion of all individuals, real connections and mirroring in the community.
Based on her experience and her education, Mery understands each child is different, and a teacher’s job is to discover and enhance his/her uniqueness. She knows that a happy student is a child who asks questions, who explores, who discovers, who creates, who becomes someone today for tomorrow. In her private time, Mery enjoys hiking and photography, exploring the countryside (anywhere in the world), cooking, reading traveling books and playing Sudoku.