BoG Member
For over 20 years, he has practiced social work as qualified social worker and team manager, then trainer, consultant and expert in the field of Child Protection, Child Welfare and Child Safeguarding. He has practiced both at national statutory child protection services (Lincolnshire Children’s Services, Ministry of internal Affairs Romania, UK Houses of Parliament) as well as non-governmental organisations (NSPCC, Barnardo’s) and international organisations (Terre des homme, PATRIR, Social Development Direct, Clear Global ) and Council of Europe / Pool of experts for Safeguarding in Sport. Since 2022, he has also become Associate Lecturer at Lincoln University teaching on Children and Families Social Work, Safeguarding in International contexts and Trauma Informed Practice in Social Work.
Since 2015, he has acted as Independent Consultant / Trainer / Expert in the field of Child Safeguarding and worked in the following countries: England, Wales, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Belgium and Switzerland and below are some of the topics:
✓ Child Protection level 1 (AYSE), level 2 (qualified practitioners) and level 3 (supervisors);
✓ Main types of abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect (level 1, level 2 and level 3);
✓ Wider safeguarding issues;
✓ Multi-agency practice
✓ Trio of complexities and Adverse Childhood Experiences;
✓ Professional curiosity and constructive challenge;
✓The voice of the child;
✓ Working with resistant families;
✓ Practice tools (e.g. Graded Care Profile, Life story work, Triple P, Video Interaction Guidance);
✓ Defensible decision making;
✓ Leadership and Child Safeguarding;
✓ Trauma informed practice (tier 1, tier 2);
✓ Trauma informed organisations;
✓ Shifting Norms around Violence in Schools;
✓ Preventing and responding to violence affecting children and youth on the move;
✓Promote Rehabilitation, Empowerment of Children and Support for Youth Offenders;
✓ Keeping Children Safe in Sport in international context.