Here at Royal School in Transylvania we are proud of our personalised approach to enrollment. We know how important it is for you to learn as much as you can about the school, whilst ensuring you feel confident in your choice. Our steps for enrollment mean that each student joins feeling happy and ready to learn.
Contact the school to announce your interest in joining the school, our administrative staff are here to answer any queries you may have.
A meeting will be arranged with either the Head of School, or one of the Key Stage Coordinators. We encourage perspective students to come to this meeting as it is a chance to ask questions, have a tour, and learn about life here at Royal School.
For perspective students in Y4 or above, an online test is completed to help us identify a students learning needs.
Free Day
All students are entitled to experience a free day here at school. Students will meet their classmates, sit in lessons and speak to their potential new teachers.
Once a decision to enroll a student has been made, a copy of the contract is sent out to be signed. This can be returned electronically, or brought to us as a hard copy.
School Information
Parents are sent information about the school uniform, our Parent Portal and other useful elements of school life.
Student Ambassador
On their first day every new student who joins the school is given a 'buddy', a Student Ambassador who is asked to support them in their first month at Royal School in Transylvania.
Update meeting with parents
After one month of schooling, a student's form tutor will contact home to arrange an update meeting with parents. This is a chance to speak about how a student has settled in, and how we will continue to support them.
Start Enrollment Process
Send us a quick message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Royal School is a member of the wider family of British International Schools and our policies reflect best practice in the United Kingdom, but shaped to suit our Romanian context.
Moving to a new school can be a challenging experience, the Royal School enrollment process is designed to be supportive, open and informative for the entire family.
We are proud to teach the Cambridge International Curriculum, an international and modern approach to teaching and learning designed to help children succeed and thrive.
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